Being Positive
I ran across this video on being "happy because of success" versus being "successful because you are happy" which motivates you. I've got to say, some of the most successful people I know tend to smile and be happy. One of the reasons he mentioned we need to try to be happy first was that we tend to move our goals once we reach them. So we're never really past them to be happy because of them. Plus I guess your mind works better when happy. Here's 5 things he mentioned to do and build a positive attitude. He said just 21 days of any one of these would improve things. Surely you could do one of these each day.
- Write down 3 things you are happy for from the previous 24 hours.
- Doesn't have to be in a gym, any kind of physical activity.
- Write down one positive experience you had in detail to remember and "relive" it.
- Daily Prayer / Meditation - 30 minutes in a eucharistic chapel daily anyone?
- Random Kindness - Force yourself to Do 1 nice thing for someone else each day.
Again, just pick one of these, and do them daily. Should put you in a better way of thinking which should make everything else that much easier.