Wednesday, June 29, 2005

Pushing versus pulling personal content

So I was thinking about this right now as I was wondering about how an old friend of mine is doing. If he had a blog he updated regularly I could just check his blog out to see how he's doing. He takes pictures, and used to e-mail links to them out, but I haven't heard anything. The problem is, if you push content like links to his pictures, you feel like you're bothering people even if you will take them off the list if they don't post them. On the other hand, if you just post somewhere then people can check it as they want. The only problem is that if people don't comment, you feel like they don't care and stop posting.

Well, maybe what I should do is maintain a bookmark page to check daily. Put the list I do on it, but I'm sure there's already some web tool to do that. Well, we'll see how it goes, for now I should track down those two sites.

A switch in blogger Focus

Well, I haven't fixed the aileron in my plane in a long time. I've been playing allot of poker lately, so it's taken a back seat, but not forgotten. I really should do it tommorrow or the day after so it's good to go when my dad gets in to town. Anyways, as for this blog, I think I might put some random techie/geekie things in here. Things like ptrace and Gentoo equery escapades. I guess as I think about it, it's really not that hard, but maybe it would be worth reading for someone. Well, I'll just note things as they come up.

A quck Google search brough up documentation on the equery tool and other good portage tools. I've been trying to purge allot of garbage off my systems, but we'll see how it goes. My only complaint has been not being able to query packages I didn't install yet. I'd like to see what would depend on mythtv since I unememrge mythtv but didn't do all of it's dependencies. Well nothings perfect, only moving towards perfection, but for today I'll play with it.

Saturday, June 04, 2005

The Need for Speed

So, the day my wife was going back I decided to change the prop from the 9x4.3 to the 9x7 I had in the house. I went ahead and did the change and topped off the lipo. Then I measured the draw at 16 static which is within burst for the battery and motor but over the normal draw. Good to go then.

I went ahead and took off at half throttle and putted around a bit. Then I climbed up and got ready for a dive. Now, the field I fly in has some prairie dogs and it's good fun to fly down at them, watch them run for their holes, and fly off. One of them doesn't get nearly so scared anymore, but that was what I was diving at. So I enter the dive, crank the throttle up to full, and when I pull up, something was not right about my plane. So I fly it above my head to get a closer look. Wouldn't you know, one of the ailerons pulled out of it's hinges and the plane is flying on just the other aileron.

Well, I hastily land and walk out to recover. Ran into a snake, meaning I saw it get out of my way before I stepped on it. I got the plane back, just the tabs pulled out, so no biggie. Now, if wasn't for my other hobbies I'd still be playing, but sooner or later I'll be back in the air.