Detailed Beginners DOTA 2 Broodmother Guide
So I've been getting into DOTA 2 with my wife as our new unwinding past time for the last hour or two at night. I'm still pretty noobish myself, but I think this will be a great beginners guide It's been fun, but she wanted to play the Brood Mother and thought she could use some help. Here's a step by step noob guide which should be usable by anyone.
Tango (90) - You'll have 603 gold to start out with. I always buy Tangos as you can eat a tree and hide in the web. You should sit relatively close since you are invisible. Just note if someone runs into you they'll notice where you are.
Boots of Speed (450) - You're going to upgrade these eventually, and I think the speed to run away is also key. On your web you'll be super fast then so hopefully you'll be able to use these to hit and run, and track down peeps for that last hit.
Iron Branch (53) - The last 53 we have I'd throw into this. You could buy mana instead if you want, but it's probably better to have the extra stats. And these will sit in your inventory for a long time giving you a small bump until you run out of room.
Bottle (600) - This gives you 135 health and 70 mana pretty quick. If you are low and need some, I'd hide in the web and hit it. I tend to put this top left once I get it so z does it. If I still have tangoes I'll put them top mid so 'x' will trigger them. It gets 3 uses, then it'll be empty, and I might run back to the base afterwards. You can also call the courier, put the bottle on, send it back to shop, and then have it deliver it, but I'm not leet enough to do that often, so I usually just run. I'd web back some while you do that.
Depending on how your mana is going , you can work on the boots, or go for a
Soul Ring to get more mana. You'll want to do both. Get a
Ring of Regen (350) a
Sages Mask (325) and it takes another (125) to complete. You can use this to get 150 mana for 150 health. Your regen gets a boost, and with the web it should be easy to get the health back. Use this after wearing your mana down when your health is high and you can afford to let it regen a bit while letting creeps fight. You can also zap this right before using the bottle to get 220 mana and almost all of your health back in a few seconds.
Power Treads - I recommend these for beginners. You'll use them to get a strength increase and up your hp. You can switch them to agility to attack faster and do more damage. I put them in the bottom right so 'n' will change what ability they up. Building them takes your regular boots,
Gloves of haste (500) and
Belt of Strength (450). When you start getting better you can look at Tranquil Boots, Boots of Travel or Phase Boots which could all also be good.
So for the most part I'd just sit in your lane and keep leveling. When you get the chance grab Insatiable Hunger. This gets bound to 'R' and gives her life steal and a stronger attack. You won't be super strong, but when you go to help gank a hero, or if a hero is sitting in your web, you should sneak behind, hit r, then start attacking. Note that towers will still open fire on you if invisible. Beware your strength will still be low, so run away and hide in your web. Be mindful of where enemy heroes are when they look for you so you can hide better.
The next item you want to work on is
Skull Basher. It ups your damage and gives you a 25% chance to stun targets which is nice. The main part of it will be
Javelin (1500) which is your first big save. Another
Belt of Strength(450) is also needed which will give you a few more HP. The recipe takes a final 1,000 gold. Other thing I would grab is
Hyperstone (2100) which will make your attacks hit faster. Next I think we want to work on building
Manta Style. For this we need an
Ultimate Orb (2100),
Band of Elvenskin (450), and
Blade of Alclarity (1000). You can wait on the orb if you want, Upgrade the Band and Blade to
Yasha for (600) and once you have it and the orb it's another (900) to upgrade them to the Manta Style.
Finally you can get
Sacred Relic (3800) which will upgrade your skull basher adding more damage and strength.
If you've gotten this far... Well I think your getting beyond noob :)
BroodMother is a spider. Her main help early is she has a web which she can move faster on, hides her, and ups her regen. I'm focusing on this and upping her Melee early as I think this is the best simple way to help her out.
Initial Buy

I always start with these in the top left slot so they get tied to 'z'. If you're going to get good, always know your keys, keep your hand on the home row, be able to hit q-r, a, and z-v without looking down. Practice it, but it should become second nature with more playing.

Web - Start with this. It's hotkey should be 'w'. I would usually do top or bottom and put the first one in the corner. In the early game you want these whever you're going to sit, attack, and hide. One of the great things with the Brood mother is you can run around a bit, and just sit invisible. When you attack you'll pop up, then run away, hide and you can jump back up. Early in the game, I just web so they just barely overlap each other. I'd start at the corner, if you keep getting pushed back start webbing back by your tower. If you keep pushing up, web at their tower and beyond. Got nothing to do, give yourself some more web room. You should be able to web almost a whole lane.
Early Game
Again, I'm assuming your new to Dota. Your last hits is probably less than 75 every game, it might even be under 50, and your denies are super low. So I'm not doing a skill build here, but something easy, that you should be able to live long, do good, and contribute to your team.
Fairly early I'd pick top or bottom, run to a corner. I think if you go mid they'll be able to see you in the river, so I'd avoid that, but I'm not 100% on that. Again, start doing your webs before and behind so they touch each other. And just do that when you can and have the mana. Keep all of your webs in your lane for the most part. You can do some in the side jungles for the sight advantage, but if you won't be there, it's not a biggie.
Then just sneak around, staying on your web, and try to last hit creeps. If one of your guys has a very tiny sliver of lift, you can quickly hit 'A' and left-click them to try and get a deny. An ! will pop up if you succeed. This takes experience away from the enemy. If you get in trouble run around on your web a bit, you'll hide, then you can sit and heal. Maybe eat a tree, then hide. Try to stay within the screen so you keep getting XP from kills, but don't last hit until your health is just about full.
Early Upgrades
Incapacitating Bite - This is a passive ability, so it just always works with every attack. It makes your enemies move slower and miss more. So it's good. I'd just swap back and forth web, and incapacitating bite. for the first few upgrades. If you start getting good at denying and last-hitting you can look at doing Spawn Spiderlings but for the beginners, just avoid that as it requires some timing. Know your limits, and focus on these two until you get better at timing in DOTA.

Depending on how your mana is going , you can work on the boots, or go for a

As you get money I would keep checking until you get 500-600 gold. I'd click shop and buy them. You can also buy both of these at the side shop too. If you buy them at the main shop using the button, you can use the courier to send them to you. This way you'll get to keep gaining experience while you get them.
Mid Game

The next item you want to work on is

Finally you can get

If you've gotten this far... Well I think your getting beyond noob :)
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