Freedom of Choice Act Removes our choices
They Call it "Choice". They say you shouldn't interfere with someone's choice. Well many states have chosen many things about Abortion. Some states have flat out said no. Some, including "Liberal" states like California have limited it. Well FOCA said you chose wrongly. Some of us have chosen to follow Religions which call it wrong. While no one should be forced to go against their conscience, FOCA gives a woman the right to sue if someone else follows theirs.
There's alot more than abortion that my taxes should NOT be paying for. But regardless of how you feel on the issue, I hope you agree that you shouldn't force the 50,75% or more of Americans who personally feel it's wrong. I hope you agree that since people can live in any state they want, the states that don't want legal infanticide should be free to have the Federal Government honor their choice. Since you may not want my church Federally funded, I hope you'll honor the request of ours that you don't fund this.
FOCA goes beyond just allowing choices to continue, it retroactively removes any choices made that go against it, by anyone.
1. Please, write your senator and tell him/her that you want them to oppose FOCA and honor your States rights. You must now how hard it is for anything decent to happen in government, the common man has a better chance at the state and local levels than at the Federal, ask them to protect that.
2. Contact everyone you can, and ask them to do the same. If one in 20 writes a letter, it was worth it.
3. Call them if you can, and say the same.
In "the land of the free" you can't do much more without being tracked as a terrorist. But you can hope that maybe this would help. When people vote on issues and alter their state constitutions, and that's threatened to be swept aside becaue the Feds don't like it, I don't know how you can feel free in the "Home of the Brave".
Robert Leon Zaleski
There's alot more than abortion that my taxes should NOT be paying for. But regardless of how you feel on the issue, I hope you agree that you shouldn't force the 50,75% or more of Americans who personally feel it's wrong. I hope you agree that since people can live in any state they want, the states that don't want legal infanticide should be free to have the Federal Government honor their choice. Since you may not want my church Federally funded, I hope you'll honor the request of ours that you don't fund this.
FOCA goes beyond just allowing choices to continue, it retroactively removes any choices made that go against it, by anyone.
1. Please, write your senator and tell him/her that you want them to oppose FOCA and honor your States rights. You must now how hard it is for anything decent to happen in government, the common man has a better chance at the state and local levels than at the Federal, ask them to protect that.
2. Contact everyone you can, and ask them to do the same. If one in 20 writes a letter, it was worth it.
3. Call them if you can, and say the same.
In "the land of the free" you can't do much more without being tracked as a terrorist. But you can hope that maybe this would help. When people vote on issues and alter their state constitutions, and that's threatened to be swept aside becaue the Feds don't like it, I don't know how you can feel free in the "Home of the Brave".
Robert Leon Zaleski
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