Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Editors and IDEs

I've been switching between gvim with cscope, eclipse, and NetBeans allot lately. The jvi plugin for NetBeans is good, but things can get a bit slow when I work with it for 4 hours on our 1000 file multi-maven projects.

I tried Eclipse for a bit, mainly drawn by it's fairly quick ctrl-shift-r which lets you start typing file names and jump to them. I find myself jumping around a bit. I also used gvim with cscope to do the same thing which worked out pretty good. I just do :csf name and it completes. It's not case insensitive which would be nice, but it works. The nice thing about vim, is you need a really large files for it to be slow, and cscope's pretty good. I think if I added javascript and HTML improvements to cscope it would be great, it's results filtering/ordering could also be improved. but it's pretty solid.

The one thing I missed with it was syntax checking, and a bit of code completion. Code completion under eclipse still seemed a bit slow, so I really don't think NetBeans or Eclipse is quick enough. I'm tempted to find IntelliJ just to see if it's quick enough to make code completion useful. If I can type the whole word in the time it takes it to pop up, then it's generally not worth it. The jump to declaration which is usually ']' in vim makes up for the times you don't know what you want. 'ctrl-t' takes you back to where you used. That works in both the NetBeans jvi plugin and cscope.

The NetBeans 6.5 Beta is pretty slick. It's JavaScript completion is heading in the right direction though it's a bit slower than I'd like on my laptop. I'm using it without jvi this time and I've been doing Eclipse with it's stock setup. I can't do the emacs keys as I have to hit too many random alt/control combos which blows my mind. Vim is nice because it lets you avoid that with modes, which I find easy. The other thing with vim is a line edit is easily repeatable with the '.' press in normal mode. I find myself doing allot of those and vim is great for it. So I don't know. Maybe I'll plop jvi back in and just try to profile it up.

Well, that's about it. Nothing really fits perfectly yet. So I'm becoming an IDE slut like Dick Wall, but oh well. Maybe some work on eclim will get me the best of everything. Then again, maybe not.


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