Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Back in the Air

So I finally got my plane back into a flyable state. I reworked the front taking about half an inch off and then digging out a spot for the balsa to mount the motor on. I got her back in the air over at the nearby baseball diamonds which was some fun. The only problem is that the battery wore out sooner than I had wanted and I had to land quickly. No damage but the prop broke. Oh well, I have spares, but not another APC 9x6 which is what I use for the top end. I Put a 10x4.5 on today and took it to the back yard. This time when it got low I made a big turn, got a little close to a tree I think, and glided her in. A much nicer landing. So I decided now I'm going to do some navy blue and orange highlights with the Bears 'C' on it. Should look spiffy and I'll have to post the paint job when I finish. But the plane will still look a bit beat up, oh well. I mainly want the color to help tell direction and such, so I'm not too worried about that.

The last thing I kind of wanted to do to straighten her up is to get the tail elevator wing a bit straighter. I'll probably wait a few weeks though as that will be a bit of work, and I'm already doing enough around the house with a garden and doorbell and other some more electrical wiring. Fun fun.

Oh, yeah, the Soyo Dragon Motherboard I got from Microcenter about 2 years ago died. I think it was more due to the PSU failure, or maybe the MB went first and that killed the PSU. Anyways, we knew it was going as the onboard NIC was broke, but it's been really iff'y to boot lately. So we finally got a TV and I'll have to figure out what to do about the comp sometime soon. Maybe I'll finally grab some screaming machine. I think I just need MB, proc, ram and PCI card as the rest of what I got should work. Maybe a PSU too. The only exception would be if I go raid on it, but It'd have to have onboard raid V for it to be really nice, or I'd have to get back in to the habit of doing backups. Reminds me, I should move the other HD over and back up this comp.


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