Friday, November 04, 2005

Opps I did it again

So last week I took my plane out a few times. Well, I was flying and the transmitter battery was getting low, so I laid into the throttle. Well, I did a nose dive with full power, and about half way down I hear this RIIIIPPPP and see something flutter around. A couple turns to get a look and sure enough the OTHER aileron came out. Now the first aileron came out, and I cut it in half where each flap was and heavily gorilla-glued it with a piece of foam over half the slit. So I guess I'll have to do that to the other side. When all is said and done I have a bit of work I want to do to it, so I'll have to do that.
In other news, I droppge Google news reader to go back to RSS Owl. There was just too much craziness with the Google Reader. But I'm really digging using RSS feed in general.
