Friday, March 30, 2007


I've thought about like 5 things to post in the last week, and I just haven't taken the time to do it. I'm stealing a little break at work to type this instead of taking a cigarette break like others. Anyways, about the only time I've been taking lately is with the kids, to play Warcraft, and work. Oh and for the dentist, I have wisdom teeth and at least one filling coming up in the next month, hopefully it will go well.

There's other things I should do. I'm at level 34 in WoW, and trying to catch my friends lvl 43 Pally. I probably should just cut the losses there and try to catch him later though as I've got some Spring items that need doing before some friends come for Easter and my youngest's Baptism. He was born on February 20th, btw, Mardi Gras.

Well, I've got my podcasts down, so I'll post those soon and maybe I'll start posting more interesting stuff in general.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Back into Warcraft

So my wife and I missed the date to cancel the renewal, and I had decided I wanted to play WoW with a friend of mine who started playing on another server. I've been grinding like mad the last week trying to catch up to 40. I'm a 1/3 of the way there, but I think I'm getting more focused on it. If I can keep my focus, then in a week I think I can catch him and roll with his elf pally. So that's been my fun time waste keeping me from doing anything else.