Friday, May 08, 2009

RC Terrorist?

This is hilarious, and I'll probably bump up for this post. Because I blogged on 'RC Airplanes' and the governments over scrutinization of the American people, someone blogged for 'RC Airplane Terrorist' and well, this blog was number 3 or 4. I just thought that was great.

Friday, May 01, 2009

Upgrading to Jaunty

So the newest version of Ubuntu is out and I upgraded. Everything went smooth as silk. The only thing I had to do was to confirm to keep a couple /etc files I had tweaked for some server apps I have installed. No problem. So the next morning, I fire up the new Amarok 2.2 and to my dismay the ipod support stinks compares to 1.4. I search for a bit, try a few things, and no dice. I tried a couple of other apps, and nothing like I had with amarok 1.4 was available. So I went to the debian main site, and grabbed what I wanted.

1. First, I would go into synaptic and uninstall your amarok stuff. I didn't have to uninstall much.

2. Run the following wgets


3. When those finish you can install them.

sudo dpkg -i yauap_0.2.2-2_amd64.deb amarok_1.4.10-3+b1_amd64.deb amarok-engine-xine_1.4.10-3+b1_amd64.deb amarok-common_1.4.10-3_all.deb libkarma0_0.0.6-4_amd64.deb libmtp8_0.3.7-3_amd64.deb libtagc0_1.5-6_amd64.deb

4. The last thing is to let Synaptic know to keep it. Ubuntu will want to upgrade the packages by default. So go into Synaptic, and click the 'Reload' icon in the top left. Then when that finishes, if you search for amarok, two of the packages should have little stars on them. For each package, click it, select the 'Package' menu and click 'Lock Version'. The package will turn a dark red, and you'll not be bothered to upgrade them.

A few of the libraries did upgrade for me. But as of the writing of this, all was working fine, I updated my podcasts, and my transfer tray was waiting for my iPod, WOOT WOOT.