DVR experience
So we finally had to ditch Vonage. We had some problems getting a number local to Steubenville, Ohio. Oh well. We decided to go with Comcast Triple play since we were already committed to the 50 a month for broadband and were missing some cable upgrades. They give you a free month trial on a DVR and we started playing with it. It's fairly nice. I think it may prompt me to set up a nice little setup to handle it on Linux. Then again, maybe I'll just pay to rent one as a card to do the encoding nicely will probably be $100+ alone. So we'll see how it goes. Right now the computer is doing nothing which is making me want to get a LCD projector or a decent TV. I think the 6-8 hundred on a LCD projector is probably our best bet. To get that working I'll have to finish setting up our family room. If I finish the wiring for it and it's adjoining bedroom then it'll just be a matter of doing something to mount it, perhaps on a shelf. That and some custom furniture to hold the speakers and we should be good. I'll have to post pics if I do what I'm thinking. Laura mentioned the surround sound when I talked about moving the setup, does she miss it? We watch less and less movies or anything anymore, so maybe it's not really worth it. But then again, I watched the final table of pot limit WSOP poker this morning, so maybe it is. I guess this month will be a good test of it. One nice thing about the DVR is that it can play a show live and record a second show at the same time, or even record 2 at once. That is a big plus. If I just upgraded the current machine and went for a third it may be reasonable to make a MythTV box. I still can't play Quake 4 on my current machine, but with WoW taking up my time, I doubt I'll want to anytime soon (YES, I did buy Quake 4 at 50 just to say thanks to Id Software). So maybe the DVR will be the way to stay until it's REALLY time to upgrade.