Monday, August 29, 2005

Why my wife rocks

So tonight, on Monday night, I came home, grabbed a beer, and turned on Monday Night Football while my wife got dinner ready. She really is awesome, and I thought I'd just share that. She really likes football, we watched ALL of the playoff games and the super bowl last year except for two that we listened to on the radio while driving through Kansas. Well, it's been great to be able to share something with my wife like this. I can only hope my kids pick up a love for watching the NFL with me.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Why young Catholics love the new Pope

Well, I saw a tv interview with a reporter just after World Youth Day in Germany. First how amazing is it that the first one of Pope Benedict's Papacy was in his home country. Anyways, the reporter commented that Pope Benedict was shy and more scholarly than JP II and almost dodged the question of how the youth feel about him. Well, It's another one of those times where people just don't understand so I thought I'd chime in on how myself and like 100-300 other young Catholics in the USA feel about him.

We love pope Benedict and many of us loved him as Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger. Why? Well, he's a pillar of truth for Christ. He doesn't water it down, which is something the reporter did say. He might not be JP2 who we loved as well, but he gives us hope. I've told a few friends I think the Church is going to improve from here. The main reason for that is all of the young seminarians I know and active Catholics want all of Christs truth, even the uncomfortable one's that the "Cafeteria Catholics" would choose to ignore. We don't want to be lukewarm or to only see part of His kingdom, we want it all with the sacrifices required to obtain it. So, I think allot of places will be turning around in the next 5-20 years, though some places may stay in their present state for awhile because they are still holding onto a fist full of truth and a fist full of garbage. But He will do what He wills in time.

Just my 2 cents worth.

Sunday, August 07, 2005

Same OS, processor and chipset, two very different worlds

So we have two computers in our living room. The wife and I can both surf the net, or she can watch a movie or TV while I'm doing whatever I do on a computer. I got Sid Meiers pirates for the windows side of the world, and the poor little 5GB partition couldn't load it and have both. I should verify that it is in fact 5 GB, but I mean, egads, windows 98 is only like a few hundred megs, 5 GB for one game, some stuff like Norton and Lavasoft, and windows, we should be able to do a game. Anyways, I had a 40 GB drive in the TV machine, and the wife and I talked it over and decided to swap them. Now I new that we had some extra stuff on the TV machine, like tvtime, xine, some extra drivers and the like, so I set it up. What I didn't realize was the difference between the two. It seems I'm always doing something. like I didn't have usb-printers setup in the Linux kernel. The other one needed the alsa driver for the cheapy 5.1 surround sound card. I'm in the midst of installing java in this one because it never got on the old TV drive. Ack, and I know there's been more. At least Gentoo makes upgrading quite painless, I just do a 'emerge sync' then an 'emerge search java' or a couple emerge searches to find what I want, then a 'emerge whatever' and it's installed with all the proper dependencies. I can also edit /etc/make.conf to make it pick and choose the dependencies correctly so long as whoever added the package to the database set it up correctly. Allot better than the RPM world of SuSE and RedHat I was in before this. Best thing of all is that it's all my wife needs for everything, and it even has Tux Racer for the kiddies ;-)

Saturday, August 06, 2005

Arrgh, it's a great day to be a Pirate

Well, the wife and I went to an IMAC aerobatic competition about 2 weeks ago now. I meant to write on it, but I never actually sat down to do the typing. It was pretty cool, I saw a rolling circle, well actually quite a few rolling half circles. I saw some other good stuff. I finally got the motor screwed in with some small brass circles. The blasa actually split on one side, I knew I should have drilled some pilots. Oh well, it's fastened good. I've been looking at the elevator and it's tilted so the right side is lower than the left. I should probably dig some of the gorilla glue out and re-glue it level. Then she'll fly a bit better. I'm thinking about getting a Raven off Hobby-lobby sometime to replace this one. I should probably put wheels on the Formosa and give landing a good try first though.

Beyond that, I got into a Sid Meier's Pirates stint the last few weeks. I played "Tradewinds 2" which isn't much of a game, but it got me wanting to play. I'd read some good reviews on Pirates! and saw it at Wal-mart. The wife indulged me, I wasn't sure I should waste the money, and the last two weeks have been dueling, sinking frigates, wooking daughters, sacking cities, and digging up lost treasure and lost cities. Pretty fun, the game could have an end movie, but I didn't technically do everything that could be done. I'll have to run through it once more to see if I can fit everything into one career, but that'll wait a month or three.

So, maybe I'll actually do a little open source work in the near future. There's a few tweaks to GnuCash I'd kind of like to make. We've been iorning out how we use it for home finances and it's been going okay. Well, I guess that's about it.